Collegium Ministries

A Five Fold Training Center 

“What they are saying about CBI”

In the ten years I have been affiliated with Collegium Ministries (CM), I have come to understand how important it is to be equipped through the biblical model of discipleship. That is what the Christian has the benefit of at CM. In contrast to the regular Christian college where there is a general examination of the scriptures and related topics, at CM there is a deep exegesis of the word of God and focus on individual and corporate calling.

What I have appreciated about CM is the personal focus. I was not just another student but an individual created by our Father for a specific purpose with all the gifts and abilities that go with it. It is the best environment to grow in the knowledge of God and to prepare us to walk in our calling and to experience profound healing where it is needed. I greatly appreciate the deep revelation and excellent teaching and instruction by Bishop Mark and Prophetess Kathryn in equipping to maturity in Christ so I can fulfill His plans and purposes for my life.

The careful exegesis of the scriptures that helped me get rid of junk doctrine I picked up on during my life has been invaluable and profoundly appreciated. My thankfulness to God for CM is boundless. It has been a God-appointed opportunity that I feel very honored and privileged to have experienced and continue to experience. The learning never stops! I spent many years in different churches or attending conferences and never have I experienced the depth and scope of teaching and careful study of the word of God, and the incredibly personal, in-depth, selfless and wise mentoring. When I came to CM and entered into discipleship with this excellent program, I finally felt I found my home.

S. S.

Starting with the Gospels first and then throughout the New Testament epistles, there is a message of discipleship to the church and a serious call to ministry. Discipleship is acquiring the knowledge of God as a student of Christ while being mentored by a seasoned minister of Christ, whose foundation and source of Truth is the word of God with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have been with Collegium Ministries since 2001. When I entered discipleship, what stood out to me, that was most beneficial, was the solid mentoring or life coaching I received coupled with a foundational transference of the Word of God from the Bible.

Within the life coaching or mentoring, is having one’s character refined so that the student’s actions are more like Christ and less like they were when they first received Christ. For the scripture says everyone that comes to faith in Jesus at the beginning is an infant in Christ and fleshly (worldly minded). Part of the mentoring within discipleship is to remove the false mindsets and character defects that we have through renewing our minds to the word of God.  Scripture says that there is safety in the multitude of counsel. While being in discipleship, I like the fact that I have a mentor that can see if I am going in the wrong direction or teaching something false. They will reach out to me to bring correction with the word of God. The last thing any servant of Christ wants to do is to walk in error, so having a mentor that will hold us accountable is a blessing.

As a result of discipleship through Collegium Ministries, God has given me the self-esteem to actually step into my calling. He has given me the confidence in the Word of God to be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks me questions regarding the faith. Discipleship also has caused me to rightly apply principles found in the word of God to relationships and everyday life. This causes me to bear fruit for Jesus with my life and bring blessings to others’ lives in such a way that if I had not had discipleship, I would have never seen those principles or seen the darkness in my own life, as well as the need to come to the light.

B. G.

I have been with Collegium Ministries for around Ten years.  Collegium Ministries, with the Word of God, has totally changed my life for the better, in both my actions and how I look at things in life.

The excellent teachings of Bishop Mark Shaw opened my eyes on the nature of God, and God’s Word.  The more you learn about Jesus, the more you want a deeper relationship with Him and the more you want to please Him with your life.

Collegium Ministries not only encourages you, but when you miss it, they help you get back on track the biblical way so you can fulfill the call of God on your life.  I have learned that my life is not my own. Jesus paid the price for me to have everlasting life and to know who I am in Him.

Through discipleship, I have become free and have more confidence in who I am and what God has done for me.  That is why I believe with all my heart that everyone who wants the most out of their lives, need to be discipled by Collegium Ministries.  You will learn what your calling is and get trained in it, you will receive correct doctrine so that you will not be confused about what God is saying.

C. G.

For approximately 8 years I have had the amazing privilege to be discipled by Pastors Mark and Kathryn Shaw. The way they mentor is through the courses provided by CBI. These Classes, I believe, are an extremely strategic way to build a solid foundation to grow in all spiritual knowledge and understanding of Christ.  In addition to simultaneously building character in me!

CBI training gave me a beautiful and natural way of getting all the junk out of me!! I do not believe there is a curriculum in Bible colleges today that even come close to doing what these courses can do for a person’s development internally and externally!

This is because it is the closest way the first-century church mentored! The first-century church walked in power and might, so why are we not seeing that? I believe this is because, as a whole, believers are not being mentored like the original first-century church was. It’s time to restore the mentor/disciple relationship into its proper order. CBI courses, along with godly mentors, I believe, is the closest way to restore this back to the body of Christ!

B. T.

I was among the many Christian believers that got involved in bible studies, youth groups, camps, etc.  Over the decades of study under several pastors and studying the Greek language for almost another decade I found myself wanting.  Yes, I embraced the truth of salvation, ministered in healing conferences, and even attempted to counsel others.  But something was missing.

One weekend a friend who ministered across America and in Mexico invited me to a meeting in Pine Island, MN.  I attended with anticipation. I was not disappointed.  The word taught that night was unlike anything I heard in my previous thirty years of study.  Yet I kept these people at arm’s length.  I was invited again and again, whereupon I visited and again was astounded at what I was hearing. 

I was more than cautious, I was unable to commit.  I sought the Lord for months over my desire for more of Him and whether I should take the plunge.  One Saturday while praying God clearly spoke to me, saying “Step out”.  That day I told the pastors of Collegium Ministries that “I’m in!”   That day was nearly ten years ago. 

My life began to change in ways that reshaped what I thought the word said, what I thought ministry was about, what I thought being a good Christian was.  This is where I was first exposed to discipleship.  This is not just a matter of feelings.  It is a process of establishing proper biblical foundations, like those found in the parable of the sower.  Yeah, I thought I had been careful to hear, careful to seed, and careful to sow, but I soon discovered I had sown amiss.  My preconceptions of truth were at times founded in tradition.  These seeds needed to be uprooted, but it was up to me to respond to the truth I was hearing.  No one held a gun to my head. 

What happened?  I can only describe it as the freedom that John’s gospel refers to.  The more I yielded to the Hold Spirit’s revelation of His word the more radically free I became.  It was exhilarating!  Over the years ministering to others came with greater fervor and excitement.  My hunger for the knowledge of God vaulted to new levels.  My mentors taught me how to weed out the chaff and to pursue the purpose God had created for me.   For those who wish to experience the freedom that only comes from being solidly grounded in the truth of God’s word, I invite you to step out into the water.  It is amazing!

J. W.